Select the Pro Panel and navigate to the Resources folder to download the Crestron Master Installer.Can be opened using version 1.95.5 or later.Note: Opening the User Module and selecting, , refer to the field for the target filename that will be opened when is pressed.To view the Help file, select the User Module and then press. Should be placed in the same folder as the User macro, *.umc as mentioned in Step 1 above.This file utilizes the Adobe AIR application installed on the computer to produce a working user interface. c3p file in the folder is the project that is utilized by the Xpanel. This file is isolated in a separate folder.ced file CAN NOT be opened in VTPro or modified. This file needs to be added to the simpl windows to allow the smart object to function. This is the information file for the independent smart object. Should be located in the same folder as the same filename.vtz file CAN NOT be opened in VTPro or modified. This is the compiled file for the same name. vtp file can be opened in VTPro and modified as desired. Wherever you want to locate this main VTPro Touchpanel project file.VTPro demo Touchpanel project file to use with the SimplWindows program.

sig file CAN NOT be opened in SimplWindows or modified.

lpz file CAN NOT be opened in SimplWindows or modified.